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Learn to ride a bicycle without fear

Your child determines the right time 

There's no perfect age to learn to ride a bike. This is all about the individual pace of development of your child.

The right size, setting and equipment of the bicycle form the foundation for a safe ride.

Your child should always wear a helmet.


Puppenmama und Götz Puppe mit Helm im pinkem Fahrradsitz

On the pedals - ready - steady - go! 

From balance bike to bicycle: balance bikes give your child a sense of balance and eases the use of the bike later on.
Make the use of a bicycle helmet a habit.

Children imitate and learn by watching.
If it is normal for mom and dad to wear a helmet while cycling, it will be foryour child also. Set a good example!

And if cycling goes well, make your child fit for road traffic: Explain important traffic rules and the right behaviour.

How to give your child the best support

  • Support and encourage: Even after one or another failure, encouraging is helpful for your child.

  • Slight pushing: Your child will have balance difficulties when setting off - with a slight push it is often easier.

  • Practice traffic rules: Empty parking spaces on sundays or holidays are perfect for practicing together.

  • Correct settings: Check that the bike has everything it needs. Brakes, lights, saddle and steering wheel height must be set correctly.

  • Have fun: As parents, do not rush things. Give your child time and the feeling of security and ease.

    It will discover its joy at its own pace. Have faith!